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Fonty's - University of Applied Sciences, Holland


From: Campus Eindhoven [1] Sent: den 12 februari 2015 09:14 To: Ingela Strive (HV) Subject: FW: Courses for exchange students

Dear Ingela,

I think our program :

S1: Introduction Information Technology (basic)    
                                 ECTS         Code
Programming in C#                   8     PCS1,PCS2
 Databases                          6     EDB1, EDB2
 Mathematics                        6     MATH1, MATH2
 Introduction Computer Systems      3     ICS 
 Integrated Development Environment 3     IDE
 Dutch                              2     COM1
 Project Management                 2     PM
                        TOTAL: 30 ECTS

Would still suit your students best. It has a total of 30 EC and does not require a programming or database background.

Your students are more than welcome.

Kind regards, Ella van der Sanden

Mrs. P.M. van der Sanden Head Fontys University ICT College Consulting hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday : 10.00 - 11.00 h, Room 2.46

Hello Ingela,

All the ICT programs are offeren twice a year. So your students can join 
in the  semester they like.

Kind regards,
Sent from my iPad

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Kempten, Germany


From: Holzhauser, Bernd [2] Sent: den 12 februari 2015 09:29 To: Ingela Strive (HV) Subject: AW: Courses for exchange students

Dear Ingela,

Thanks for your inquiry. Our ICT Department does offer 25 ECTS in English as follows:

a Computer Project (in group work with local students), 15 ECTS  (Prerequisites: knowledge of the programming languages Java or C++)
Computer Science Seminar (Informatics-Seminar),          5 ECTS and 
a Seminar on Business Information Systems, also          5 ECTS.  

Moreover, your students can select English-taught modules from other degree courses (mainly Business) unless they are specialization modules. For your information I am sending the list attached. Moreover, they can do additional ICT projects in English.

This is not terribly much but better than nothing, and our ICT Department is trying to extend their offer, so hopefully there will be more in the future.

I hope this helps! Your students would be highly welcome to spend a semester at Kempten!

If you have any more queries please do not hesitate to contact me or our Incoming Students’ Coordinator Lisa Bommhardt (lisa.bommhardt@hs-kempten.de) again.

Best wishes


Bernd Holzhauser
International Office / Erasmus-Coordinator
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Kempten
Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Bahnhofstraße 61
  87435 KEMPTEN
  Tel: +49 (0)831 2523-340
  Fax: +49 (0)831 2523-289

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Tyskland


From: Alfred Holl [3] Sent: den 17 februari 2015 11:04 To: Ingela Strive (HV) Cc: Colak Semsi Subject: AW: Looking for IT courses for our students

Dear Ingela,

the Dept. of Computer Science will offer a bunch of at least 4 elective courses 
(5 credits each) in autumn 2015.
The titles of the courses will not be available before mid June.

Best regards, Alfred Holl departmental Erasmus coordinator

Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spanien

RES INTE HIT, kräver förkunskaper (högskolepoäng) i programación y matemáticas!

Here is the link with courses those which are marked as "ingles" are taugh in english:

DEGREE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING: http://www.uah.es/estudios/asignaturas/lstAsignaturas_v3.asp?CodCentro=210&CodPlan=G59

 FUNDAMENTOS DE TECNOLOGÍA DE COMPUTADORES (780002)  "Grunderna i datorteknik"   INGLÉS    6 Cred      	BÁS   1 CUAT.
 SISTEMAS OPERATIVOS (780007)                        "Operativsystem"            INGLÉS    6 Cred              BÁS   1st course, 2nd term
   Förkunskaper: Computer  Technology  Concepts  (Fundamentos  de  Tecnología  de  Computadores) and  Programming  Concepts(Fundamentos  de  Programación)
 1 CUAT.
   Prerrequisitos y Recomendaciones Es   recomendable haber cursado   con   éxito   las   anteriores asignaturas relativas a programación y matemáticas. 
   It  is  recommended  to  have  studiedthe  subjects  Fundamentals  of  Programming, Fundamentals of Computers Technology and Operating Systems.

University West, Scotland


Erasmusstipendium får man bara om man har avtal med dem (tanken är att avtalet ska innefatta det ämne studenten ska studera). Studenterna kan söka som free mover, dvs då får de ingen support från oss för vi kan bara stötta studenter som reser genom avtal. De måste i så fall ansöka utifrån samma premisser som de lokala studenterna och kolla på hemsidan vad som gäller (deadlines, dokument och studieunderlag som krävs). De studenter som reser ut som free movers kan söka stipendium. HV administrerar 2: Länsförsäkringar Älvsborg och Sparbanksstiftelsen Väst som man söker till i efterhand. Info om detta ligger på Studentportalen under Stipendier. Där finns också länkar till fler stipendiedatabaser och googlar man finns det många fler.

Våra studenter som åker på utbytesstudier utanför Europa samt på praktik och fältstudier runt om i världen söker också dessa två stipendier så det finns konkurrens och ingen garanti att man får stipendium.

// Ingela

Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:09 PM 
To: norman.macmillan (at) uws.ac.uk 
Cc: Robert Andersson (HV) 
Subject: Courses for exchange students?

Felaktig länk?: [4]

Computer Networking (BSc)

http://www.uws.ac.uk/bsccomputernetworking/ Cisco Academy
Computer Networking (BSc), new collage Lanarkshire
Computer Networking BSc, (Hons) Hamilton Campus
Computer Networking BSc, (Hons) Paisley Campus

Computing BSc

  • Year 1: This year provides an introduction to computing as a profession. You will be introduced to software development processes and technologies, including the foundations of programming in a modern programming language and the development of applications for the internet and the web. Depending on the modules chosen, you’ll have the chance to use Cisco hardware, Java software, Dreamweaver, Oracle, Flash, SQL, XNA Studio, Xara X, and Light Wave.

Entry Requirements

  • SQA Highers: BBB plus English and Maths at SQA Standard Grade, Intermediate 2 or National 5.
  • GCE A-Levels: BC plus GCSE English and Mathematics.
  • Irish Leaving Certificate: BBB.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma: 24 points (to include 2 Higher subjects at 4 points).

Computing BSc, Dumfries Campus
Computing BSc, Hamilton Campus
Computing BSc, Paisley Campus

More universities ?!?


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