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Experiments with DSL cards

HWIC 4SHDSL -- Card in 2600-routers   WIC-1SHDSL-V2 -- Card in 2600-routers
Card in 2900 routers (8pin pink RJ45 port)   Card in old 2600 routers (6pin pink RJ12 port)




  1. Configure Hostnames "Router2900" and "Router2600" to your routers !
  2. Figure out which slot your DSL card is in by using the commands:
    Router2900#show controller shdsl
    Router2600#show controller dsl
    Answers: 2900-Slot _____________ and 2600-Slot _____________
  3. Try the commands
    show running
    and find all lines that include controller and dsl on both routers
    Answer: 2600 ________________
    Answer: 2900 ________________
  4. What is the difference between interface serial 0/0 and controller serial 0/0  ?
  5. How many ATM interfaces exists in show running
    Answer: ______________

2900 SETUP

  1. Configure the DSL controller of the 2900
    controller SHDSL 0/3/0
      description This is the CPE
      ! Automatically assign the Central Office (CO) configuration to
      ! an ATM dsl-group on the Customer Premise Equipment (CPE).
      dsl-group auto


controller SHDSL 0/3/0
  description Can *only* run in CPE mode
  dsl-group 0 pairs  0, 1
    shdsl 4-wire mode enhanced
    shdsl annex A
    shdsl rate 4096
  1. How many ATM interfaces exists in show running
    Answer: ______________
  2. Configure the ATM interface of the 2900
    interface ATM 0/3/0
      no ip address
      load-interval 30
      no atm ilmi-keepalive
  3. Try the command show ip interface brief
  4. Create a ATM subinterface with a Layer2 VPI/VCI and a Layer3 IP-address
    interface ATM 0/3/0.1 point-to-point
      description Connection to Router2600 (Central Office)
      ip address
      pvc 2/100
        vbr-rt 2000 2000
        oam-pvc manage auto-detect
        encapsulation aal5mux ip
  5. Try the command show ip interface brief

2600 SETUP

  1. How many ATM interfaces exists in show running
    Answer: ______________
  2. Try the command show ip interface brief
  3. Configure the DSL controller of the 2600
    controller DSL 0/2
    description This is CO, the other end is CPE
    mode atm
    line-term co
    line-mode 4-wire
    dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
    line-rate 4096
  4. How many ATM interfaces exists in show running
    Answer: ______________
  5. Configure the ATM interface of the 2600
    interface ATM 0/2
    description ATM over DSL (Central Office)
    no ip address
    load-interval 30
    no atm ilmi-keepalive
  6. Try the command show ip interface brief
  7. Create a ATM subinterface with a Layer2 VPI/VCI and a Layer3 IP-address
    interface ATM 0/2.1 point-to-point
      description Connection to Router2900 (Customer)
      ip address
      pvc 2/100
        vbr-rt 2000 2000
        no oam-pvc manage
        encapsulation aal5mux ip
  8. Try the command show ip interface brief
    You might get:
    ATM0/2 unassigned YES manual initializing down
    ATM0/2.1 YES manual initializing down
  9. Let's ping the other end !!
  10. Ûberkurz:
    1. What show-command shows the line-speed of the xDSL controller
    2. What show-command shows if the controller is running as CPE or CO
    3. What ATM AAL options are available on both cards?
      Are there any special PPP settings that are required to make communication work? Try!
    4. What is the theory behind the PVC's?
      Are there any special control PVC's (like 0/32 ?!?) ?


Router2600#show running | sec ATM|DSL

controller DSL 0/2
  description This is CO, the other end is CPE
  mode atm
  line-term co
  line-mode 2-wire line-zero
  dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex B
  line-rate 2048
interface ATM0/2.1 point-to-point
  ip address
  ipv6 address 2001::1/64
  cdp enable
pvc 2/100
  encapsulation aal5snap
Router2900#show run | sec DSL|ATM
controller SHDSL 0/3/0
  description Can *only* run in CPE mode
  dsl-group auto
interface ATM0/3/0.1 point-to-point
  ip address
  ipv6 address 2001::2/64
  cdp enable
  pvc 2/100
    encapsulation aal5snap

How to do it

! On 2801 running IOS  (C2801-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(24)T
! #show controller dsl | inc Firmware|prog
!  Firmware Version:  R4.2.1
! Fungerar INTE
!   2801 Software (C2801-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M6
! show controll DSL | i Firm|prog
!   Firmware Version:  388.132
!   DSL firmware download in progress, please wait

! make the DSL-controller create the ATM interface
 controller DSL 0/3/0                                   controller SHDSL 0/3/0
   mode atm                                               dsl-group auto
! Change to CPE on other end
   line-term co                                           
 line-mode 2-wire line-zero
 dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A                         shdsl annex A
 line-rate auto                                           !shdsl rate -- Only on CO side !!
! Configure the ATM interface
interface ATM 0/3/0                               <-- SAME for 2901 gh.shDSL
  no ip address
  load-interval 30
  no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM 0/3/0.1 point-to-point
  ! Change to .2 on other end 
  ip address
  pvc 2/100 
    vbr-rt 2000 2000
    oam-pvc 0
    encapsulation aal5mux ip
show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
0/0.1      1              2   100  PVC    MUX      VBR    2000   2000     0   UP

Minimal Setup

controller DSL 0/3/0
  mode atm
  line-term co
interface ATM0/3/0.1 point-to-point
  ip address
  pvc 2/100
    encapsulation aal5mux ip

Todays Errors

to force CO mode you need to configure 'termination CO' under the controller SHDSL.
 However, only HWIC-4SHDSL supports that command. See here for reference:
 "Q. Do the G.SHDSL HWICs work in central-office mode (back-to-back connection without a DSLAM)?
 A. Currently only the HWIC-4SHDSL supports both CPE and central-office  modes for diagnostic purposes. The mode of operation can be set only  from the ROM Monitor environment. CPE is the default mode of operation."

Hope this helps


 Router#show diag
 Slot 0:
       C2610 1E Mainboard Port adapter, 4 ports
 WIC Slot 1:
       Unknown WAN daughter card
       Product Number           : WIC-1SHDSL-V2
Router#show vers | inc 12
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.2(8)T5,  RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System image file is "flash:c2600-i-mz.122-8.T5.bin"
Router2600#show diag
Slot 0:
       C2621 2FE Mainboard Port adapter, 5 ports
       WIC Slot 1:
       Unknown WAN daughter card

Router2600#show vers | inc 12
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-BIN-M), Version 12.3(25), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System image file is "flash:c2600-bin-mz.123-25.bin"
 show diag
      WIC Slot 1:
Router#show vers 
 Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.4(17a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
 System image file is "flash:c2600-ipbasek9-mz.124-17a.bin"
 Cisco 2621XM (MPC860P) processor (revision 1.0) with 59392K/6144K bytes of memory.

 show controller atM 0/3/0
  WIC Config Reg2   0x04       Gen bus error on bad G.SHDSL ATM/T1/E1 access
  Interface Serial0/3/0
 Hardware is GT96K
 DTE Unknown (13) RX clock detected.
    2901# show diag
       WIC Slot 3:

       WIC module not supported/disabled in this slot
       Hardware Revision        : 0.0
       Top Assy. Part Number    : 800-23445-02
       Board Revision           : A0
       Deviation Number         : 78181
       Fab Version              : 04
       PCB Serial Number        : FOC09132CUJ
       RMA Test History         : 00
       RMA Number               : 0-0-0-0
       RMA History              : 00
       Version Identifier       : V02
       Product (FRU) Number     : WIC-1SHDSL-V2

is it there ??

During boot

Self decompressing the image :   
####################################################################### [OK]

IOMEM set to: 5
Unknown Card in slot 0
PMem allocated: 381681664 bytes; IOMem allocated: 20971520 bytes
Cisco 2801 (revision 7.0) with 372736K/20480K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FCZ112070FT
1 DSL controller
2 FastEthernet interfaces
2 Serial(sync/async) interfaces
1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
191K bytes of NVRAM.
62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)


show diag
  WIC/VIC/HWIC Slot 3:
       Hardware Revision        : 0.0
       Top Assy. Part Number    : 800-23445-01
       Board Revision           : C0
       Deviation Number         : 0
       Fab Version              : 04
       PCB Serial Number        : FOC08170N9M
       RMA Test History         : 00
       RMA Number               : 0-0-0-0
       RMA History              : 00
       Version Identifier       :
       Product (FRU) Number     :
       EEPROM format version 4
show running
 controller DSL 0/3/0
R1(config)#controller dsl 0/3/0
Controller configuration commands:
  default                Set a command to its defaults
  description            Controller specific description
  dsl-mode               SHDSL mode
  exit                   Exit from controller configuration mode
  help                   Description of the interactive help system
  ignore-error-duration  Number of seconds errors such as CRC are ignored while
                         the line is training (default is 0)
  line-term              Customer Premise or Central Office
  loopback               XDSL loopback test
  mode                   Configure the xdsl controller mode
  no                     Negate a command or set its defaults
  shutdown               Shutdown the xdsl controller
  snr                    SNR



  • clear interface atm 0/3/0


  • show atm vc
  • show dsl interface atm 0/3/0
* R1#show controllers dsl brief
DSL 0/3/0 controller DOWN
Globespan xDSL controller chipset
DSL mode: Not Trained
Frame mode: Utopia
Configured Line rate: 2048Kbps
Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup
LOSW Defect alarm: ACTIVE
CRC per second alarm: ACTIVE
Line termination: CO
FPGA Revision: 0xB3
  • show controller DSL 0/3/0
  • show interfaces atm 0/3/0


  • debug atm events
  • debug atm errors
  • debug xdsl driver


  • dslsar disable ATM0/3/0
  • dslsar enable ATM0/3/0

Latest BUG hunt

show controllers dsl

! ON A CISCO 2801
Line-0 status
Chipset Version:  0
Firmware Version:  388.132
Modem Status:  Handshake, Status 10
Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
DSL firmware download in progress, please wait
Dying Gasp: Present
! ON A 26x1 XM, IOS  12.4
Line-0 status
Chipset Version:  1
Firmware Version:  A29733
Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status F5B9
Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
Dying Gasp: Present
! ON A 2611 XM, IOS   12.3(11)T11
Line-0 status
Chipset Version:  0
Firmware Version:  R3.0.1
Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status DF3D
Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
Dying Gasp: Present

Så här gick det till när det fungerade första gången

Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname R2-Nere
*Dec 16 03:11:14.075: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consolewr
Building configuration...
R2-Nere#show running
Building configuration... 
Current configuration : 753 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname R2-Nere
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 10
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate wic 0
ip cef
controller DSL 0/2
 line-term cpe
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/0
 no ip address
 no fair-queue
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/1
 no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4


R2-Nere#debug xds
R2-Nere#debug xdsl ?
  application  xDSL application
  driver       xDSL driver
  eoc          xDSL eoc
  error        xDSL error

R2-Nere#debug xdsl app
R2-Nere#debug xdsl application
xDSL application debugging is on
R2-Nere#debug xdsl driver
xDSL driver debugging is on
R2-Nere#debug xdsl error
xDSL error debugging is on
R2-Nere#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
*Dec 16 03:12:13.227: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console contr
R2-Nere#show  controllers ds
R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2

 DSL 0/2 controller DOWN
 SLOT 0: Globespan xDSL controller chipset
 DSL mode: Not Trained
 No frame mode configured
 Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup
 LOSW Defect alarm: ACTIVE
 CRC per second alarm: ACTIVE
 Line termination: CPE
 FPGA Revision: 0xB2

        Current 15 min CRC: 0
        Current 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Current 15 min ES: 0
        Current 15 min SES: 0
        Current 15 min UAS: 0

        Previous 15 min CRC: 0
        Previous 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Previous 15 min ES: 0
        Previous 15 min SES: 0
        Previous 15 min UAS: 0

 Line-0 status
 Chipset Version:  0
 Firmware Version:  R3.0.1
 Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status DF3D
 Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
 Dying Gasp: Present

R2-Nere#show vers
Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.4(17a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 07-Nov-07 12:40 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(7r) [cmong 7r], RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

R2-Nere uptime is 3 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "flash:c2600-ipbasek9-mz.124-17a.bin"

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:

R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2 | i Modem
 Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status DF3D
R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2 | Rev
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2 | i Rev
 FPGA Revision: 0xB2
R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2

 DSL 0/2 controller DOWN
 SLOT 0: Globespan xDSL controller chipset
 DSL mode: Not Trained
 No frame mode configured
 Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup
 LOSW Defect alarm: ACTIVE
 CRC per second alarm: ACTIVE
 Line termination: CPE
 FPGA Revision: 0xB2

        Current 15 min CRC: 0
        Current 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Current 15 min ES: 0
        Current 15 min SES: 0
        Current 15 min UAS: 0

        Previous 15 min CRC: 0
        Previous 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Previous 15 min ES: 0
        Previous 15 min SES: 0
        Previous 15 min UAS: 0

 Line-0 status
 Chipset Version:  0
 Firmware Version:  R3.0.1
 Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status DF3D
 Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
 Dying Gasp: Present

R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL 0/2 | i Firm
 Firmware Version:  R3.0.1
R2-Nere#show  controllers dsL

 DSL 0/2 controller DOWN
 SLOT 0: Globespan xDSL controller chipset
 DSL mode: Not Trained
 No frame mode configured
 Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup
 LOSW Defect alarm: ACTIVE
 CRC per second alarm: ACTIVE
 Line termination: CPE
 FPGA Revision: 0xB2

        Current 15 min CRC: 0
        Current 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Current 15 min ES: 0
        Current 15 min SES: 0
        Current 15 min UAS: 0

        Previous 15 min CRC: 0
        Previous 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Previous 15 min ES: 0
        Previous 15 min SES: 0
        Previous 15 min UAS: 0

 Line-0 status
 Chipset Version:  0
 Firmware Version:  R3.0.1
 Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status DF3D
 Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
 Dying Gasp: Present

% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
% Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: yes

At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.

Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity
for management of the system, extended setup will ask you
to configure each interface on the system

Would you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]:

Press RETURN to get started!

*Mar  1 00:00:07.564: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface VoIP-Null0, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:00:21.367: %SYS-3-NOELEMENT: data_enqueue:Ran out of buffer elements for enqueue
-Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 6, pid= 3
-Traceback= 80F791B0 80410240 801F7060 801F7144 801E1B1C 801F424C 801F424C 801E1BDC 801F405C 801F75AC 80F8A200 80F8B5D4 80F8AB74 81ECD37C 81CB4DA4 81CB4E5C
*Mar  1 00:00:27.108: %SYS-6-LOGGERSTART: Logger process started
*Mar  1 00:00:27.400: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:00:27.400: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:00:28.402: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Mar  1 00:00:28.402: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
*Jan 19 05:08:47.055: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(11)T1
Router>1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 24-Aug-06 17:56 by dchih
*Jan 19 05:08:47.055: %SNMP-5-COLDSTART: SNMP agent on host Router is undergoing a cold start
*Jan 19 05:08:47.087: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to administratively down
*Jan 19 05:08:47.091: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to administratively down
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname r1-uppe
Building configuration...

*Jan 19 05:09:05.834: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console[OK]
r1-uppe#show vers
r1-uppe#show version | i 12.
Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(11)T11, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(8r) [cmong 8r], RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System image file is "flash:c2600-advipservicesk9-mz.123-11.T11.bin"
Cisco 2611XM (MPC860P) processor (revision 0x401) with 124858K/6214K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FTX1121A219 (2454220871)
r1-uppe#show contr
r1-uppe#show controllers ds
r1-uppe#show controllers dsL

 DSL 0/0 controller DOWN
 SLOT 0: Globespan xDSL controller chipset
 No frame mode configured
 Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup
 LOSW Defect alarm: ACTIVE
 CRC per second alarm: ACTIVE
 Line termination: CPE
 FPGA Revision: 0xA9

        Current 15 min CRC: 0
        Current 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Current 15 min ES: 0
        Current 15 min SES: 0
        Current 15 min UAS: 0

        Previous 15 min CRC: 0
        Previous 15 min LOSW Defect: 0
        Previous 15 min ES: 0
        Previous 15 min SES: 0
        Previous 15 min UAS: 0

 Line-0 status
 Chipset Version:  1
 Firmware Version:  A29733
 Modem Status:  un checked mode, Status F5B9
 Last Fail Mode:  No Failure status:0x0
 Dying Gasp: Present

r1-uppe# show ver | i 12.
Cisco IOS Software, C2600 Software (C2600-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.3(11)T11, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(8r) [cmong 8r], RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
System image file is "flash:c2600-advipservicesk9-mz.123-11.T11.bin"
Cisco 2611XM (MPC860P) processor (revision 0x401) with 124858K/6214K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FTX1121A219 (2454220871)
r1-uppe#controller DSL 0/3/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe#   mode atm
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe#! Change to CPE on other end
r1-uppe#   line-term co
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe#   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe#   line-rate auto
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
r1-uppe(config)#controller DSL 0/3/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#   mode atm
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#! Change to CPE on other end
r1-uppe(config)#   line-term co
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#   line-rate auto
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#controller DSL 0/2
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config)#do show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 768 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname r1-uppe
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate wic 0
no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip ips po max-events 100
no ftp-server write-enable
controller DSL 0/0
 line-term cpe
controller E1 1/0

r1-uppe(config)#controller DSL 0/0
r1-uppe(config-controller)#   mode atm
r1-uppe(config-controller)#   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
*Jan 19 05:16:29.120: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Contro   line-term co
r1-uppe(config-controller)#controller DSL 0/0
*Jan 19 05:16:35.911: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, cha   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
r1-uppe(config-controller)#   mode atm
*Jan 19 05:16:41.024: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed st   line-rate auto       r1-uppe(config-controller)#
*Jan 19 05:16:51.249: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed state to down
*Jan 19 05:16:54.991: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
R2-Nere#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R2-Nere(config)#controller DSL 0/3/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#   mode atm
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#! Change to CPE on other end
R2-Nere(config)#   line-term co
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#   line-rate auto
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#interf dsl 0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#do show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 753 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname R2-Nere
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 10
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate wic 0
ip cef
controller DSL 0/2
 line-term cpe
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/0
 no ip address
 no fair-queue
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address

R2-Nere(config)#interf dsl 0/2
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#contr dsl 0/2
R2-Nere(config-controller)#   mode atm
R2-Nere(config-controller)#contr dsl 0/2
*Dec 16 03:26:35.571: DSL 0/2 gsi_shdsl_set_frame_mode(): mode change
*Dec 16 03:26:36.135: DSL 0/2 gsi_shdsl_set_frame_mode(): mode change
*Dec 16 03:26:36.163: DSL 0/2  xdsl_mode_commandDownload indication
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: DSL 0/2 xdsl_background_process:Download boolean event received
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: DSL 0/2 xdsl_controller_reset: cdb-state=down
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/2, changed interf dsl 0/2
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: DSL 0/2 gsi_shdsl_reset()
*Dec 16 03:26:36.167: DSL 0/2  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Dec 16 03:26:36.171: DSL 0/2 xcvr_ptr=825577F0
*Dec 16 03:26:36.275: DSL 0/2 Func:gsi_shdsl_shutdown, Line184fail to abort for shutdown
*Dec 16 03:26:36.319: DSL 0/2  SHDSL Line activation started, please wait
*Dec 16 03:26:36.319: DSL 0/2 DSP interrupt enabled
*Dec 16 03:26:36.319: DSL 0/2 Framer interrupt disabled
*Dec 16 03:26:36.319: DSL 0/2
*Dec 16 03:26:36.319: Setting GTI_NTR_LOCAL_OSC
*Dec 16 03:26:36.323: DSL 0/2  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Dec 16 03:26:36.387: DSL 0/2  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Dec 16 03:26:36.411: DSL 0/2 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Dec 16 03:26:36.511: DSL 0/2  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Dec 16 03:26:36.519: DSL 0/2 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Dec 16 03:26:37.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:38.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:39.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:40.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:41.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:42.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup
*Dec 16 03:26:43.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeup^Z                                   ^
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

*Dec 16 03:26:43.643: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consolen all
All possible debugging has been turned off
*Dec 16 03:26:44.323: DSL 0/2 process_get_wakeupconf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R2-Nere(config)#   line-term cpe
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

R2-Nere(config)#   line-
R2-Nere(config)#   line?

R2-Nere(config)#   line ?
  <0-70>   First Line number
  aux      Auxiliary line
  console  Primary terminal line
  tty      Terminal controller
  vty      Virtual terminal
  x/y      Slot/Port for Modems

R2-Nere(config)#controller ds
R2-Nere(config)#controller dsL 0/2
R2-Nere(config)#controller dsL 0/2
R2-Nere(config-controller)#   line-term cpe
R2-Nere(config-controller)#   dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
R2-Nere(config-controller)#controller dsL 0/2
*Dec 16 03:27:23.067: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/2, chainterf dsl 0/2
R2-Nere(config-controller)#   line-rate auto
*Dec 16 03:27:38.211: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/2, changed state to down^Z
*Dec 16 03:27:39.475: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by consoleow run | se DSL
controller DSL 0/2
 mode atm
 line-term cpe
 line-mode 2-wire line-zero
 dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
 line-rate auto
r1-uppe#show run | se DSL
controller DSL 0/0
 mode atm
 line-term co
 line-mode 2-wire line-zero
 dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex A
 line-rate auto
r1-uppe#debug xdsl
r1-uppe#debug xdsl ?
  application  xDSL application
  driver       xDSL driver
  eoc          xDSL eoc
  error        xDSL error

r1-uppe#debug xdsl error
xDSL error debugging is on
r1-uppe#debug xdsl dri
r1-uppe#debug xdsl driver
xDSL driver debugging is on
r1-uppe#debug xdsl app
xDSL application debugging is on
*Jan 19 05:20:07.863: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeup
*Jan 19 05:20:08.865: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeup
*Jan 19 05:20:09.866: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeup
*Jan 19 05:20:10.868: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeupdebug xdsl app
*Jan 19 05:20:11.869: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeup
*Jan 19 05:20:12.871: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeupno debug xdsl app
xDSL application debugging is off
*Jan 19 05:20:13.873: DSL 0/0 process_get_wakeupno debug xdsl error
xDSL error debugging is off
r1-uppe#debug xdsl error
xDSL error debugging is on
*Jan 19 05:21:22.629: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:22.637: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:28.030: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:28.038: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.467: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.491: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.567: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.587: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.688: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:33.696: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:36.484: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:36.488: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:36.785: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:36.801: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:37.157: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:37.169: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:39.798: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:39.802: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
r1-uppe#   line-rate auto
*Jan 19 05:21:53.260: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.264: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.704: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.712: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.905: DSL 0/0  dsp interrupt-download next block for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.909: DSL 0/0 DSP interrupt disabled
*Jan 19 05:21:53.909: DSL 0/0  Download completed for line-0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.913: DSL 0/0 Framer interrupt enabled
*Jan 19 05:21:53.913: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC0
*Jan 19 05:21:53.913:  DSL 0/0 controller Link up! line rate: 2304 Kbps

'''*Jan 19 05:21:53.917: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed state to up'''
*Jan 19 05:21:54.017: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.017: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.021: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.113: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 1conf tSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.113: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.133: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.133: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.133: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.209: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.209: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.209: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.225: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.229: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.229: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.305: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.305: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.305: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.321: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.325: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.325: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.418: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.422: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.422: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.514: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.518: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.518: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:54.522: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:54.522: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:54.522: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.009: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.009: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.009: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.013: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.017: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.017: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.021: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.021: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.021: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.105: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.105: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.105: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.121: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.125: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.125: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.201: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.201: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.201: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.217: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.221: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.221: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.298: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.298: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.298: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.314: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.318: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.318: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:21:59.322: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:21:59.322: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:21:59.322: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1un all
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

*Jan 19 05:22:04.005: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.009: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.009: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.013: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.013: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.013: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.013: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.109: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.109: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.109: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.125: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.129: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.129: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.206: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.206: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.206: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.222: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.226: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.226: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.302: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.302: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.302: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.318: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.322: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.322: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:04.326: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:04.326: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:04.326: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1^Z
r1-uppe#un all
All possible debugging has been turned off
*Jan 19 05:22:09.005: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.005: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:09.005: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.009: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:09.014: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:09.014: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.018: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
*Jan 19 05:22:09.018: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:09.018: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.102: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.102: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(true):: 0x0
*Jan 19 05:22:09.102: DSL 0/0  xdsl_gsi_int_disable(false):: 0x1
*Jan 19 05:22:09.118: DSL 0/0 framer intr_status 0xC4
r1-uppe#show ip interf bri
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
ATM0/0                     unassigned      YES unset  initializing          down
FastEthernet0/0            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
FastEthernet0/1            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
*Jan 19 05:22:20.396: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ATM0/0, changed state to up
*Jan 19 05:22:21.398: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface ATM0/0, changed state to up
r1-uppe#show ip interf bri
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
'''ATM0/0                     unassigned      YES unset  up                    up'''
FastEthernet0/0            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
FastEthernet0/1            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
r1-uppe#show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
r1-uppe#show run | sec ATM
interface ATM0/0
 no ip address
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
r1-uppe#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
r1-uppe(config)#interf atm 0/0
r1-uppe(config-if)#no ip address
r1-uppe(config-if)# load-interval 30
r1-uppe(config-if)# no atm ilmi-keepalive
r1-uppe(config-if)# clock rate aal5 8000000
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config-if)# clock rate aal5 ?
        2600000 (default)

  <1000000-7000000>  clock rates in bits per second, choose one from above

r1-uppe(config-if)# clock rate aal5 7000000
%ATM0/0 Resetting interface...
*Jan 19 05:25:37.235: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed state to down
*Jan 19 05:25:37.752: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ATM0/0, changed state to down
*Jan 19 05:25:38.753: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface ATM0/0, changed state to down
r1-uppe(config-if)#no  clock rate aal5 7000000
%Defaulting to 2600000 bps
%ATM0/0: Bringing interface up...
*Jan 19 05:25:54.752: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed state to down
r1-uppe(config-if)#show ip interf bri
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config-if)#do show ip interf bri
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
ATM0/0                     unassigned      YES manual down                  down
FastEthernet0/0            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
FastEthernet0/1            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
r1-uppe(config-if)#show atm vc
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

r1-uppe(config-if)#do show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
r1-uppe(config-if)#do show run | sec ATM
interface ATM0/0
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
*Jan 19 05:27:02.142:  DSL 0/0 controller Link up! line rate: 2304 Kbps

*Jan 19 05:27:02.142: %CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN: Controller DSL 0/0, changed state to up
r1-uppe(config-if)#interf atm
*Jan 19 05:27:30.408: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ATM0/0, changed state to up
*Jan 19 05:27:31.410: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface ATM0/0, changed state to up0/0
r1-uppe(config-if)#interf atm 0/0.1 po
r1-uppe(config-if)#interf atm 0/0.1 poi
r1-uppe(config-if)#interf atm 0/0.1 point-to-point
r1-uppe(config-subif)#ip address
r1-uppe(config-subif)#pvc 2/100
r1-uppe(config-if-atm-vc)#  vbr-rt 2000 2000
r1-uppe(config-if-atm-vc)#  oam-pvc 0
r1-uppe(config-if-atm-vc)#  encapsulation aal5mux ip
*Jan 19 05:28:37.839: %ATM-5-UPDOWN: Interface ATM0/0.1, Changing autovc 2/100 to PVC activated.
*Jan 19 05:28:37.839: %ATM-5-UPDOWN: Interface ATM0/0.1, Changing autovc 2/100 to PVC created.
*Jan 19 05:28:37.839: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
r1-uppe#show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
0/0.1      1              2   100  PVC    MUX      VBR    2000   2000     0   UP
R2-Nere#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
r1-uppe#show running | sec ATM
interface ATM0/0
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM0/0.1 point-to-point
 ip address
 pvc 2/100
  vbr-rt 2000 2000
  oam-pvc 0
  encapsulation aal5mux ip
R2-Nere(config)#interf atm 0/2
R2-Nere(config-if)# load-interval 30
R2-Nere(config-if)# no atm ilmi-keepalive
R2-Nere(config)#interf atm 0/2.1 point
R2-Nere(config)#interf atm 0/2.1 point-to-point
R2-Nere(config-subif)#ip address
R2-Nere(config-subif)# pvc 2/100
R2-Nere(config-if-atm-vc)#  vbr-rt 2000 2000
R2-Nere(config-if-atm-vc)#  oam-pvc 0
R2-Nere(config-if-atm-vc)#  encapsulation aal5mux ip
*Dec 16 03:39:25.327: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
R2-Nere#show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
0/2.1      1              2   100  PVC    MUX      VBR    2000   2000     0   UP

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/6/8 ms
R2-Nere#show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
0/2.1      1              2   100  PVC    MUX      VBR    2000   2000     0   UP
R2-Nere#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R2-Nere(config)#line vty 0 15
% Login disabled on line 66, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 67, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 68, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 69, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 70, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 71, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 72, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 73, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 74, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 75, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 76, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 77, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 78, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 79, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 80, until 'password' is set
% Login disabled on line 81, until 'password' is set
R2-Nere(config-line)#password cisco
*Dec 16 03:40:12.839: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
r1-uppe#show ip interf bri
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
ATM0/0                     unassigned      YES manual up                    up
ATM0/0.1                  YES manual up                    up
FastEthernet0/0            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
FastEthernet0/1            unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down
Trying ... Open

User Access Verification


[Connection to closed by foreign host]
r1-uppe#show atm vc
           VCD /                                        Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface  Name         VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
0/0.1      1              2   100  PVC    MUX      VBR    2000   2000     0   UP
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